Physical Therapy tips for Back to School!

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We want your little ones staying safe and active while getting back into their new routines! Read on for more!
Florida Bound Farewell to Pam After 9 Years With Southland
A message from owner Dee Dee:
Pam Ferch, MA CCC-SLP, has been a Speech Language Pathologist with Southland Therapy since November 2008. Pam was one of our first therapists to work in the natural environment in the Bluffton and Hilton Head areas of South Carolina. Pam has been such a pleasure to work with over the past 9 years. She has always been so attentive to her kids needs and has made a real difference in the lives of these little ones! We will miss her and we wish her well as she makes her move to Florida.
Much luck to you Pam!
Well, the time has come, after working as a pediatric Speech/Language Pathologist for almost 9 enjoyable years with Southland Therapy to say goodbye and adios! As my husband and I have decided to move back to south Florida to be closer to our family and friends.
I will surely miss the excitement and challenges that come with working with my special little children and their families, which has been my passion for over 35 years.
Also, I have so deeply appreciated and respected my association with Southland and the therapists I have worked with.
Thank you Dee Dee, John, Dawn, Regina and Laura! You are all an incredible team that has made my job as a Speech/Language Pathologist so pleasurable, and I will surely miss your friendship.
Fondly – Pam Ferch M.A., CCC
Raffle Entry Details:
Like us on Facebook for a chance to win our BACK TO SCHOOL Raffle! The gift basket includes crayons, pencils, books and a $50 Gift Card to Target for all your back to school needs!
Go to our Facebook page for more details on how to win!
Physical Therapist Holly put together some great tips on
how to build endurance for prolonged sitting in school.
1. CLIMB, CLIMB, CLIMB!: Pile the pillows and couch cushions in the living room and have races from one side to the other. You can also climb the equipment at the local park, fresh air is a great reward for working hard at school all day.
2. At-home exercises: I like to have my patients fly like superman. You can do this by laying on your belly on the floor, lift your arms and legs off the ground, lift your head up and hold the position for 10 seconds; repeat 2 more times daily. Another easy at-home therapy task is to make a “v” with your body. Lay on your back, lift your upper back and legs off the floor into a “v” position; hold for 10 seconds, repeat 2 times daily.
3. Ride your bike, scooter for 10-15 minutes outside
4. Wrestle with your siblings for 10-15 minutes on pillows on the floor (ask an adult first!)
5. Play tug of war with a very long towel or rope repeatedly
6. Push or pull heavy objects such as a child in a laundry basket with a jump rope around the house, walking backwards, sideways and forwards. Take turns with your child! Give them a ride in the laundry basket, then fill the basket with their stuffed animals and let them try!
Back to School Backpack Safety Tips!
Disclosure: Article written by John J. Triano, DC, PhD on 8/10/12
Returning to school is a good time to discuss how to maintain the health of your body and spine in regards to using a back pack for school. Read below the tips to prevent back pain from carrying backpacks.
The back will compensate for any load applied to it for an extended period of time. A heavy weight carried in backpacks can:
• Distort the natural curves in the middle and lower backs, causing muscle strain and irritation to the spine joints and the rib cage
• Lead to rounding of the shoulders
• Cause a person to lean forward, reducing balance and making it easier to fall
Habitually carrying backpacks over one shoulder will make muscles strain to compensate for the uneven weight. The spine leans to the opposite side, stressing the middle back, ribs, and lower back more on one side than the other. This type of muscle imbalance can cause muscle strain, muscle spasm, and back pain in the short term and speed the development of back problems later in life if not corrected.
• Look for backpack design features that help reduce the chance of back pain
• Teach your child how to properly load and wear the backpack to avoid back pain
• Maintain a mindset to watch the weight carried in the backpack to reduce back pain:
Should your child complain of neck, arm or back pain, and you have tried to alleviate it by decreasing the weight of his back pain without success, talk to your doctor about seeing a physical therapist for an evaluation.
See our Facebook Page for the complete article!