Southland Snapshot- Summer in the South!

Read our June 2017 newsletter here!
Tuesday July 4th:
Our office will be closed in observation of Independence
Day. Please check with your therapist to be sure that your appointments have not changed
due to the long holiday weekend.
Restoration Chiropractic:
Please join us in welcoming our new neighbors. Dr. Kaleb Scroggin was born and raised in Savannah, Georgia. He found his passion for helping children live up to their full potential which led him to complete a Postdoctoral Pediatric Chiropractic training program. His practice focuses on pregnancy, children and family care.
Please visit Dr. Kaleb and his staff and tell them we sent you! Visit their website for contact information and more details.
Did you know that therapists can train to assist with Dysphagia? We are lucky to have some very knowledgable team members with the skills to help with this very diagnosis!
Don’t know what Dysphagia is? Keep reading to learn more!
According to ASHA: “Feeding and swallowing disorders (also known as dysphagia) include difficulty with any step of the feeding process—from accepting foods and liquids into the mouth to the entry of food into the stomach and intestines. A feeding or swallowing disorder includes developmentally atypical eating and drinking behaviors, such as not accepting age- appropriate liquids or foods, being unable to use age-
appropriate feeding devices and utensils, or being unable to self-feed. A child with
dysphagia may refuse food, accept only a restricted variety or quantity of foods and liquids, or display mealtime behaviors that are inappropriate for his or her age.”
Summer In The South!
With Summer upon us, we at Southland wanted to share some great activities to keep you and your little ones busy and improving upon their therapy goals! Next month we will have some insight from our Occupational and Physical Therapists- this month please enjoy some Speech and Language tips and activities!
Using foam alphabet letters, a small kiddie pool, some sidewalk chalk and a fishing net you can create hours of endless outdoor fun! Whether your child is learning their letters or working on certain speech sounds, using
this fun water exercise will help them spell out certain words and practice what those letters sound like.
“I caught an S, that makes a SSSS sound!”
Plus this activity help with coordination and motor skills! It’s a perfect all around activity that is Summer and Therapist approved!
Activity courtesy of:
Speech-Language Pathologist Hannah created a list of tips to help your child work on their speech goals during
summer break! Take a peak!
Have your child make a list of words that start with their target sounds. Add to the list and see how many words they can come up with. Have them find and underline their sound in the words.
Find pictures in a magazine of items that start with your child’s speech sound. Cut out, glue and make a collage.
Go on a scavenger hunt in the house or yard and find items that start with their sounds. Put items in
a box and have the child practice saying them as they pull them out.
• If traveling in the car, have your child look for words that start with their sound. Billboards, store
names, and restaurants are great places to start!
• Have your child name items and talk about items at the beach, pool, park, zoo, etc.
• Go places and ask your child what, where, who, why questions about each place.
• Have your child cook and follow directions in the recipe.
• Read books and ask questions about books. Have your child retell the story or sequence story
events. Go to the library for story-time.